
I have attached some ideas for reading activities which you may like to use with your child during their daily reading sessions at home.

Reading Activities

Some children have been issued with ORT Flashcards and/or had Sight Word Revision lists stuck into their Home Learning jotters. These are read only lists. Your child should be able to read these words on sight with no need for sounding out. These words should be practised daily where possible.

Some children have also been issued with High Frequency Word lists (on stickers/handwritten) in their Home Learning jotters. These words are also read only lists. Your child should be able to read these words on sight with no need for sounding out. These words should be practised daily where possible.

All of these word lists are individualised. They will be assessed and updated just before/after the October break.

Reading books will be issued on a weekly basis:

Editors (currently reading ‘The Hunt for Gold’) – new books will be issued on a Monday;

Publishers (currently reading ‘Magic Tricks’) – new books will be issued on a Tuesday;

Authors (currently reading ‘The Wedding’) – new books will be issued on a Wednesday.

As the children have come from two Primary 2 classes it has been necessary to merge groups and this may result in some children rereading a book they had towards the back end of last year. This should resolve itself quite quickly.

Reading books should come into school every day. Both the Editor and Author groups are sizeable and it may be necessary for two children to share a book in any one week. In this case the children will have the book at home for half the week only – this will not impact on the amount of time spent on reading in class. When necessary the sharing of books will be done in rotation – I would only expect children to have to share once every four to six weeks.